JLW - JITO Ahmedabad Ladies Wing

JITO Ahmedabad Chapter took a step ahead and is working towards bringing ladies together for their holistic growth under JITO Ladies Wing.


To empower women in social, academic and economic fields and to enhance their Self- Esteem and Self.


JITO Ladies Wing is committed to develop a platform to implement various activities and programs to strengthen the socio- economic status of women. It aims to empower women worldwide to achieve transformation through Leadership, Technology and Economic Prosperity.


JITO Ladies Wing will provide opportunities to women of all ages for their personal growth, participation in economic activity, up gradation of personal and professional skills in order to help them professionally as well as  the noble task of caring for the family and good up-bringing of their children. All this will help them contribute of family values as well as for spiritual enhancement of the society. JITO Ladies Wing aims at Education (Shiksha), Service (Seva), Values (Sanskar), Security (Suraksha) and self-Reliance (Swalamban). When these five “S” are taken care of, it will help women to grow and at the same time the community and the society will grow.


Any woman who has completed 21years of age is eligible to become a member.  The membership fees is Rs.21000/- for 40 years.


Membership Form Available Here

http://jitoahmedabad.org//uploaded/My Folder/JITO Ahmedabad Ladies Wing Membership Form.pdf